
Monday, July 23, 2007

John Legend Concert in Chicago

On April 13, 2007, my sisters and two of my very close friends attended a John Legend concert at the Chicago theatre in Chi-town. We had a fantastic time. To start the evening we all met at the Carnivale restaurant. We enjoyed authentic Latino cuisine. After dinner, we excitedly travelled to the concert location were we continued to feast on the smooth soulful crooning of the fabulous John Legend (Stephens). By night's end we all had a greater appreciation for the "Legend" and his music. John Legend

Here is the outfit that I made to wear to the concert. I purchased the faux leather fabric ($5.95 yd) from the local Walmart about a month or so before the concert not with the intention to make an outfit for this particular event. Please forgive the wrinkles. This post comes three months after the concert. The outfit had been stored in the back of the closet, almost ready for cooler weather minus the wrinkles. You can read more about the creation of this outfit at Pattern Review.


  1. I just found your blog, and this is fantastic! I gotta say you are all that and then some. I can't wait to read even more or your sewing adventures!

  2. Gorgeous outfit! I bought that same faux leather from WalMart and made a jacket back in January... it sewed so well! I'm blogrolling you!

  3. That outfit is fierce. I love your blog title too!

  4. Lovely outfit. So glad you posted your blog on PR. You look great in the outfit!

  5. Keep up the good work.
