
Friday, October 12, 2007

Think Like a Designer

The Fall 2007 issue of BeSewStylish, is jam packed with information on how to optimize your creativity. The article, "Think Like a Designer" was of particular interest to me. It offers tips and techniques to create your own collection. And I really need to reduce the stash. Here are my take aways:

- Find your Inspiration - Find a concept and take time to gather images that appeal to you
- Look to your Closet - Take stock of the clothes you already own (I added look to your UFO's and try to incorporate them into the collection)
- Unify the Collection with Color - select one or two anchor colors and one or two accent colors. Purchase fabrics in threes. This practice helps ensure that the garments will go together well
- Draw Your Collection - compare the sketched garments to what you already have in your closet to help map out your collection
- Match Fabric to Pattern - find optimal combination for fabric and garment
- Design the Finished Look - Conduct a photo shoot of the collection, adding accessories to show possible outfit combinations


- Fit all muslins before you cut out the garments
- Cut out multiple garments in a single session
- Sew garments that use the same color thread
- Batch similar procedures

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