
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Week End - ReCap

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Long weekends are such a treat. I’m always grateful for an extra day off work.

Weekend Re-cap:

Thursday I received an invite to the Friday night Kanye West (with featured artists Rihanna, NERD, and Lupe Fiasco) concert. This was definitely not my scene. There are only a few rap artists that I like: Grand Master Flash, Curtis Blow, Will Smith, Common. .., I’m so old school. Any way…, Kanye West did his thing! He is definitely a showman.

Saturday: A little shopping, cooking, cleaning, and sewing.

JoAnn’s and Hancock’s had pattern sales. I picked up ten or so. It’s crazy because I’m supposed to be on a pattern diet. Lol I was able to get five tops made over the weekend: four knit and one woven. The only one that I will review is the woven. The others have been reviewed on Patternreview many times already. Most of them I've made at least twice before. These tops are options for the Naples, Florida mini-wardrobe. So far, I’ve finished three pairs of pants and the five tops. If time permits I want to make one jacket. The plan is to take a few of the new pieces to compliments two suits that are already in the suitcase. The attire for the meeting is business casual. I really don’t need to “suit up” for the conference as I’m not a presenter; my boss is.

Sunday: Church, cooking and sewing.

Monday: DD and I had a photo shoot of all the pieces including a jacket, suit, and dress. Unfortunately, most of the photos aren’t good. So we have to redo them. I was hoping to post them today. Tonight, if I’m not too tired will re-take a few.

In the afternoon we had a family Bar-b-que at my sister’s home to celebrate my niece’s 13th birthday. Great time with the family.

Happy Sewing!


  1. I'm an old school girl, too, but I love Lupe Fiasco, especially if I get free tickets! Grandmaster Flash is coming to my store for a booksigning next month and I can't wait!
    I was supposed to be on a pattern diet as well, but who can resist 88 cent patterns?

  2. You certainly had a productive weekend. As a fellow sewer I can tell you that I appreciate any and all reviews of any pattern I intend to work. I know I'm not alone in this thinking. It's really wonderful to get different points of view.

    I can't wait to see the pictures.

  3. I managed to get over to joanns on sunday morning, I picked up 3 patterns, I already made one and I am so glad you had fun at the concert

  4. You were a busy bee, Darlin'!! Can't wait to see all your new clothes!

  5. Can't wait to see your new items.

  6. I am with you on the old school!Ha ha!
    I am on a pattern diet also.So far I am trying hard to do good.I am on it just for the summer.Passing all those patterns sales have been so hard.
    Good luck on the stash contest!That sounds like a fun contest.

  7. Can't wait to see the pics! You sure have been busy--5 tops in a weekend??? You are a sewing superwoman! Hmmm...old school. Yep, that's what I must be too. I was just downloading songs at Itunes yesterday for my MP3 player and DD#1 said to me, "Don't worry, Mom. I'll definitely be able to tell your songs from mine."
