
Friday, August 15, 2008

Fall 2008 - Coat for DD

DD's coat pick for this fall is McCalls 5717. She hasn't selected the fabric yet. But she wants view A.


  1. What a great coat! Only problem is I could never make something like this. By the time I'd get around to cutting it out, it would be out of style LOL.

  2. Great choice and your dd would look great in it.

  3. I love this! My DD needs a coat too but she is so fussy that she's still a pain to sew for. Besides, I need to finish my own coat first! Good luck with this and please post the results.

  4. I like it too. DD and I don't agree on fashion style, but I picked this one. Woo Hoo!

  5. Cenetta, have fun sewing it!!!!

    I just started sewing the same coat ýesterday, you may remember DD chose the same one, prepared everything beforehand the day before and just kept sewing yesterday so the shell is ready sans the skeeves and the lining ditto.
    I'll try and get the blog updated this week, already wrote the skirt thingy that was planned ages ago, it's just so d*** hard to choose which pix would be the best:-)

  6. Love this. It is a perfect coat for work or church.

  7. That coat is so adorable! I can't wait to see it made up.

  8. Has she already chosen the fabric? I'm anxious to see whatkind.

  9. Marita - She hasn't decided on the color yet, but is thinking about a eggplant purple or crimson red.

  10. Cenetta, oooh!!! I think crimson would be great on her:-) finished the coat on tuesday, sans buttons and buttonholes thought, didn't have good buttons for it at home, it's soo cute, the collar is really pretty.

  11. I got the same or similar fabric as the picture at Joann Fabric. I already cut it and it is waiting for me on ziploc bag.

  12. Cennetta .- greetings again. here I am ready to see all the wonderful news of his blog, coats, clothing for his client, and so on. I love the blue satin jacket to complement the dress. I think I'm gonna make this model, with your permission, of course. hugs, Paco
