
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Great Coat Sew Along - The Muslin

Boy I'm so behind on the Great Coat Sew Along. Two weeks ago, I completed the first go round of the Muslin fitting and have a few adjustments to make. I didn't attempt to make any of my normal changes, straight from the pattern. Here are the photos and noted changes. If you can identify additional changes needed, please don't hesitate to comment.

I think I need to do a FBA. There a bit of gapping at the front closure across the bustline

Too much room from the shoulder blades through the waist area. I forgot to insert the shoulder pads. They will elminate some of the excess.

Remove some of the fullness along the lower half of the front princess seam. Sway back adjustment needed. Coat stand away from the small of my back.

Last week I went to Vogue fabrics hunting for the perfect lining but came away empty handed. I'm also thinking about adding a unlining to help protect me from the Chicago winds.

This weekend I'll start making the adjustments mentioned above.

Happy Sewing!


  1. I am making this one also and I STILL haven't found a lining for it.

  2. You have such a great eye for fit. I agree with your assessment and can't find anything else to add. I wouldn't have even noticed anything to remove in the front, but I will be sure to look for that on the coat I'm making.

  3. You are dead on, there is nothing i can add here

  4. I am wondering if you should go down a size in the bust and waist area.
    Of course, if you will be using heavy coat woollen, this might be the correct size. Also bearing in minding all the interfacings, lining etc.

    It just seems that there is some extra fabric in the underarm and the back could use less fullness.

    Do you have the time to try this in a wool muslin?


  5. Oh! This will look fabulous on you! You have the height to pull this coat off so well with that interesting collar.

    I would definitely consider some sort of wind-blocking underlining - it won't add much weight to the coat, but we all know how cold the wind can make you feel!

  6. That's a beautiful model and I'm quite sure it wil turn out into a fabulous coat!
