
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Green with Envy - S2724 Part II

Yesterday I nearly completed the emerald green dress for my DD. I'm so happy with the results and wanted to share a few photos. Today, I will hem, slip stitch the sleeve bands and collar, then press it.

Word on the fabric: I'm so glad we chose silk dupioni. It sews beautifully and is an excellent choice for this dress. I did very little pressing throughout the process and didn't have any problems with handling or shaping the fabric. The pattern didn't call for a lining. I underlined it with Ambiance lining for a more polished look.

I would strongly recommend trying this pattern. There is one thing that I dislike about it and that is the place of the zipper. The dress is semi-fitted in the upper body. You may want to consider putting the zipper in the back, starting it about two inches from the neckline through the hip area of the skirt.

Here are a few photos. Excuse me for not pressing before the photos. I'll take more with DD wearing it.

Happy Sewing!


  1. That is going to be gorgeous when it's done!

  2. Oh, I LOVE that color and fabric, can't way to se her in it!

  3. That is so pretty!!! I just love the color green

  4. That green must be great on her and dupioni is such a wonderful fabric to sew. Are you showing us new pix tomorrow?? LOL!!! that's a joke, don't want to push you in no way;-)

  5. So gorgeous! The color, the style--it's phenomenal.

  6. Wow! Beautiful. I love the pattern and fabric. I just got back from the Vogue Fabric sale! Silk dupioni on sale 7.99 if your interested! now I am going to see if I have the pattern in my stash!

  7. Oh yeah, I'm green with envy! Just beautiful.

  8. Gorgeous dress. Can't wait to see your dd in it. I love sewing with silk duppioni. An elegant dressy fabric that's actually fun to work with.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks, Ladies. My plan was to finish it today. Now I don't know if I'll be able to. We received another upgrade to two of our servers. I'm the primary tester.... Testing now. Problems..., Grrr!! We will see.

    Marita - Pix tomorrow. That's ambitious. lol Maybe Monday or Tuesday.

    Cindy - Maybe I'll go by Vogue's Monday. I would love to get some dupioni for $7.99.

  11. What a great dress! Love the color.

  12. The color is absolutely beautiful...I know she will look gorgeous in it!

  13. Gorgeous dress, stunning colour. Can't wait to see the end result. What shoes and bag will go with it?

  14. Very pretty dress, would love to see her in it.

  15. I love that color. She's going to look stunning in it.

  16. Just FABULOUS! Love the color favorite.

  17. What lovely fabric! Not only is silk dupioni one of my fave fabrics, but green is my fave color. Super dress!!
