
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Muslin Fitting for B5182 - The Second Choice

Last weekend I was able to fit my niece's second choice prom dress. Sometimes I hate doing muslins, but they are so necessary when I'm sewing for others. Butterick 5182, view A is a go. There are several changes that need to be made. And most are in the bodice area.

I started with cutting the pattern based on her measurements. In these photos, every part of the bodice needs some type of adjustment. I probably could go down a size to eliminate some of the excess room at the neckline and at the side. There are several photos below to help me with transferring the changing to the paper pattern. And of course, I welcome any suggestions from you.

First photo: You can see, I have pinned out the gapping neckline and bust area. There is an under bodice (didn't want to share that photo, too revealing.) It's too long; that's a minor adjustment.

Full back photo: Where the bodice joins at the waist, there is some excess fabric that I sort of pinned out. She has a slight sway back.

Here is a better photo of the back bodice. I think the side also come to close under the arm area.

Bodice side: I pinned out the excess at the sides.

Front bodice: Here you can see the gapping area of the bust line. Also the bodice is a little to long for her torso.

Neckline: The center back appears to stand away from her body.

Parting Shot: This was actually the first picture taken. My niece was clowning around. I thought it would be a funny parting shot. Prom preparation can be tense. So we tried to have some silly moments throughout the process.


  1. Your niece is adorable. Love the zany face she's making in the last picture. To cute. Looks like the dress will fit great with all the alterations. Can't wait to see it finished in the real material.

  2. Je découvre ton blog, grâce à la Bobine et c’est super…plein de couleurs et un plein d’idées surtout, j’adore…Je reviendrai ouvrir ta porte avec plaisir…à bientôt.

  3. The dress looks as if it is a great choice for your niece. I did notice though, that because of the ring neckline, she would probably not be wearing the same bra with the final dress that she is wearing in the fitting - (straps showing in the final photo). I have run into some major problems when a different bra is worn for fittings and wearing, and wondered if you had considered this, particularly as there were a few bodice changes needed. You are making some fabulous dresses.

  4. This is going to look so nice on such a pretty girl. My question for you is do you work a full time job? And if you do how do you fit in all the sewing you do? I am a full time Insurance agent and when I get home in the evenings I just want to do nothing but ofcourse come morning I am refreshed and wish I would have done some sewing that I have been dying to do. How do you find the time?

  5. You are such a sweetheart!

    After you've made adjustments to the muslin, will you go back and entirely re-draft your pattern?

  6. Looks like you have the fitting issues under control. Good luck!

  7. I could not do this kind of fitting with my daughter. Did I tell you she's ticklish and she swats my hand away when I try to pin things on her? Makes for a fun process. Good luck with your niece; she looks a lot more patient.

  8. The style is just perfect for a prom! I admire your patience tackling all those tiny fit details. I know your niece will love it when it's done.

  9. Looks like a winner, can't wait to see the finished product.

  10. are a better woman than I am !

    When my nieces are old enough for Prom...their Mother will buy their dresses...Aunt Pam has already told said sister that she sews tops, blouses, skirts, short dresses, and pants..and menswear, of course...but draws the line at formal-wear. I'll do any needed alterations...maybe, LOL!

    So I applaud have mad skills with everything you design and make, but these newest creations are just fabulous!

  11. Great style! i cant wait to see it finished :)

  12. Ah...Do I detect a short waisted girl? You know, everything just seems big lengthwise, but widthwise certain places need more room. It's almost as if dropping down two pattern sizes and increasing bust, waist, and hip width would work. I second kbenco concern about the bra. I have to redraft a pattern I created for my friend who was wearing a sports bra. At the end of the fitting, she said, "You know, I usually wear a padded bra." #(#*#&$**(#$*(!!! It was my fault though. I should have told her to wear the same bra as the finished dress. Lesson learned on my end.

    I have to hand it to you Cennetta. Lots of alterations, but the end result you make is going to look divine. You are amazing!

  13. I can tell this would really flatter her shape. Great job and it will be worth the work!

  14. I can tell this is going to be a well fitting and very pretty dress.

  15. What an adorable niece you got. The dress is going to look pretty on her once you are done making it. have fun wih it

  16. What a cute girl and it will be a great dress. Do I see a bit of a forward shoulder there?

  17. Thank ladies for commenting on the alterations. We talked about the possible bra choices, and she plans to wear a strapless.

    Back Porch Blessings - Yes, Boy do I have a full time job. I also earn a huge amount of vacation time. So occasionally I take days off to sew and almost every weekend I do a little sewing.

    Dei - My next step will be to transfer the adjustments to the pattern. I don't like to spend too much time on the muslin. Today I will cut the dress out.

    Kat - After I looked at the photos again, I decided to add more width to the skirt as well. The bodice does need to be shorten and the scaled down about a 1 and half sizes. We'll see how it goes.

    Thanks again, everyone!

  18. ahh .. Cennetta .- The model is very nice. I am sure it will be a great dress. I love the cut on the bias.

    good week, Paco
