
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stuck - Flight Delayed A Second Time! Grrr!

The conference is over and I'm stuck at the airport. This is so irritating, but what can I do about it? Nothing. So I'm sitting here reading blogs and thinking about project planning for the "summer" wardrobe.

So far this year, I have made five dresses, five vest/jackets, two pairs of pants, and one skirt for myself. For DD: one dress, three pairs of pants, and a vest. Clients: three skirts, four dresses, five accessories, and four jackets/covers ups. Quite a list of completed projects so far.

This summer, I'm hoping to design a wardrobe for DD (Career). She'll be graduating from college next spring. Part of my gift to her is a mini wardrobe. She most look polished and professional when she starts her "new job". Graduation isn't for several months so I probably won't start sewing it until late in year. In the meantime, I'll work out the wardrobe design, decide on a color palette, and gather fabric and notions.

Another project on the horizon is making some jeans, following some Palmer/Pletcsh tips.

To match, shabby chic t-shirts. Last week I read an article in "Real Simple" that featured the evolution of the infamous t-shirt. There were some very interesting designs. I'm inclined to copy one or two. Pom-pom adorned to sheer trim contrasts with rich jewel tones to a flowy white tee.

Well, I guess I'll go back to reading. I have two more hours to wait in this d**n airport. Grrr! I see telecommuting in my future the rest of the week.

Happy Sewing, fashionistas!


  1. We got lucky flying today. Hope you get some ice cream and a Vogue at the airport and make the most of the extra time. :)

  2. Hope you finally made it on the flight. I love that you sew for others. They are so lucky! Keep making your dresses, I love them!

  3. I hope things get better for you! But a least you were about to blog while waiting! :)
    You have been busy sewing what a big list!

  4. I hope you get home without any more hassles. The day already sounds stressful enough. :) I was a little stressed out myself today because I took one of my finals. The other one is tomorrow. I hope I didn't bore you with the email, lol, I can talk all day. :):):):)

    You've accomplished a lot this year, kudos. :)


  5. I'm afraid that the flight situation is likely to get worse, not better, with the economy going down the tubes. I hear ya though. I once spent the night at Chicago Midway and have spent more time delayed at O'Hare than all other airports I've flown through, combined.

    You have been very productive this year! Amazing output.
    Let me know what palette you decide on for DD's career wardrobe. I may have something for you.

  6. That is quite a list! Waiting in the airport is sooo frustrating. Hope you eventually got home.

  7. Sorry to hear you were stuck in the airport - that's so annoying. It seems to happen more and more these days!!

    Anyway, I am really interested in your plan to make a career wardrobe for your DD! I have never been much of a "sewing with a plan" person, so I'm interested to see how you go about this!

  8. Half of my time to visit my family for Christmas vacation was lost because of flight delays. It really does stink.

    I like that t-shirt design your posted.

  9. Thanks! Last night I arrived safe and sound in Chicago about 9:30pm.

  10. Special thanks for being interested in DD's career wardrobe. That's was just a side note of "projects". I'll post thing about it in the next couple of weeks.

  11. Cennetta, you make a compelling reason to get an I-phone! If I ever get a job in which I have to travel and have downtime, Internet access to check out blogs would be the way to go!
