
Friday, September 18, 2009

Fitting V8555 and V8594

Not much sewing going on this week. We are in the middle of our Unity Conference at church. So at most, I thinking about the fall wardrobe for myself and DD.

Last week, I was able to fit the bodice of two dresses for myself. One was supoosed to be my birthday dress (to wear Sunday). I don't think it's going to happen. But at least I was able to got most of the fitting done. Both are sheaths. A sheath that is very appealing to me and seems to be a good match for my body type.

Here are both back views of the muslin for both dresses. I cut V8555 at size 14 with a small adjust to the front bodice hoping to compensate for the bust area. It's still a little snug. There is a slight gap about three inches from the center back of the neckline. So further adjustment is needed. V8594 was cut at size 16 with no changes. As you can see there is a lot of move across the back. At the neckline I could increase the seam allowance for a better fit. Across the lower back I need a sway back adjustment. May be increase the side seam allowance a little bit.

Now for the front. V8555 (too much information) omitted. But I can say it's a little too snug. (lol). V8594 gaps at the neckline and is too large through the bodice. However, the upper bodice need to be length to make the horizontal seam hit in the right place where the lower front bodice in joined.

Here are the adjustment made so far.

V8555 - Removed the gap by folding out the excess and rotating the difference to the dart. Increasing the shoulder, armhole and side.

V8555- Increasing the shoulder, armhole, and side. Previously cut to include a FBA. Will also add about 5/8" to the neckline for modesty.
V8555 - Increase width of the midriff.

V8594 - Here I added the length needed to the upper bodice. I didn't address the slight gap in the neckline. I think if I reduce the shoulder seam to a size 14 that will solve that problem. Also there needed to be a slight reduction along the armhole and side.
V8594 - Sway back adjustment. The neckline through the shoulder blade area needs to be adjustment as well.
There is still a little work needed on fitting the muslin. May be this weekend I'll have time to work on it. We will see.

Happy Sewing!


  1. Thanks for the fitting tips. They are really helpful. I like the two pattern choices.

  2. Good fitting information, thanks for sharing.
    Hope you have a nice birthday this Sunday!

  3. Thanks for a really interesting post. I always have to make lots of fitting adjustments to bodices - like you I always get gaps around the neckline, both front and back so I was very interested to see how you deal with this. I have got V8555 in my stash and I really like the look of V8594.

  4. Aw! You are so good with fitting your self correctly. I just have not developed the patience to slow down and do the same. Some day...

    Have a great birthday! :-)

  5. You are really doing a good job ironing the fitting issues out.

  6. Wishing you an early Happy Birthday.

  7. Great fitting information.
    I normally have to do a sway back adjustment so I'm always curious how others do their adjustments, so I enjoy reading fitting posts.
    Have a wonderful Birthday :)

  8. Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes!

  9. I love your blog. Thanks for the encouragement on pattern review!


    Happy sewing

  10. Great fitting/alteration info as usual :) !
