
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Special Thanks and New Client Projects

Special thanks to everyone who commented and complimented on the wardrobes for my DD. On Friday she interviewed with two companies: one for her entrepreneur class and the other with a cyberspace newspaper. She wore the hounds tooth suit. Blessed girl..., she was hired for the cyberspace newspaper on Saturday. Today DD is a Voter Administrator for election. She is growing up and doing exciting things. I'm happy..., sigh, sigh

Saturday I went shopping with Ms. PB. You remember her? I made Vogue 8355 for a dinner party about two years ago.

This time I'm commissioned to make Vogue 1084.

Dinner date March 28th. Back to the shopping experience. The dress will be made of silk dupioni. First we went to Fishman's to just look at all the beautiful fabric candy. Their silk dupioni is $18.00 per yard and the silk taffeta and shantung was $60.00. So went walked over to Vogue; they had the dupioni for $11.99 per yard. We ordered the fabric there. The Evanston store has every fabric in every color. Their silk taffeta and shantung is $30.00 per yard.

I only had one prom dress commission this year; she canceled Sunday. So that leaves more time for me to sew for myself.

Finally, I'm making another clergy robe and am about half way done. Still need to finish DD's purple dress for wardrobe 2.

So that's it for now.
Stay Tuned and Happy Sewing!

Still making rounds to all the blogs I like. See ya soon!


  1. That is going to be one gorgeous dress! I'm guessing you guys picked a fabulous color, too. Can't wait to see it all put together. :)

    And a huge congrats to your daughter!

  2. Congratulations on the projects. Love that white suit. I didn't realize you were in Chicago. I hung out at Vogue Friday. Have you tried the Discount Textile Outlet? I know it's one of those places you really love or really hate.

  3. Congrats to your DD, I'm sure feeling confident in her new wardrobe was a help. Thanks for reminding me about the Vogue suit pattern I have maturing in my stash!

  4. She definitely has the figure for that dress! It's going to be gorgeous.

  5. I love this pattern!!!! Sew Tessuti just posted a review of this pattern (few posts ago) in red matelasse. Just lovely. Can't wait to see it!

  6. Wow, I'm just about to start Vogue 1084. I'll let you know when it's done.

  7. Thanks! The color of Ms. PB's dress will be Gold.

    NuJoi -I shop at the Discount Textile Outlet occasionally. You have to be energized to shop there. ;-) Maybe we can meet up some day.

    AllisonC - Ms. PB loved the suit. You should try it.

    JoanneM and Claudine - Thanks for the points of reference.


  8. I am anxiouly waiting for this gorgeous dress debuttttt

  9. The dress is going to be fabulous.... Can't wait to see it after you're done and congrats on DD job

  10. DD's do grow up, don't they. Congratulations to her on her new job.

  11. Somehow, I omitted to post the comment for your daughter's wardrobe;but I really have to.:) The whole wardrobe is so beautiful!!!!You did a great job!The red dress is gorgeous!!!
    Can't wait to see Ms. PB's dress .

  12. Lucky girl to get a job so quickly! Wearing the suit you made for her helped I'm sure!Looking forward to seeing what you make for yourself next.

  13. Thank you for your comment on my jacket.

  14. Oh, oh, oh! I have the Voge 8355 pattern but haven't been brave enough to try it. It looks absolutely stunning on your model! I want mine now - thanks for the inspiration.

  15. Wow, I love that white suit on your client. FABULOUS - she rocks it. I can't wait to see her new dress.

  16. That suit was the bomb! I can't wait to see the finished dressed in March.
