
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

B5427 - Clergy Garments

Too bad for me. I had to miss the April Haute Couture Meeting to meet a project deadline for Min. Ross. Last month, she asked me to make two suits from B5427. Of course, I did a muslin first to give a visual of how the suit would look.

Several changes were made based on her style and/or perference:

- Add length to jacket - 9 inches
- Add length to skirt - 2 inches
- Add back slit to skirt - 7 inches
- Add length to sleeve

Fitting changes -

The didn't need to make drastic fitting adjustments. Or maybe I'm getting used to making certain changes. ;-)

At the small of her back, I took in a bit.

I added a bit to the shoulder area. I inserted 1/2 shoulder pads for better shaping. Also from the muslin fitting I noticed that there was a lot of ease in the sleeve cap. So this change helping with that as well.

The collar stood away from the neck same as on the model of the pattern envelope.

She wanted a closer fit.

Jacket front neckline adjustment.

The collar was slightly wider than the desired trim. I adjustment the wideth.

The skirt was perfect as far as fit.

Next post, black suit finished with rest of the review.

Stay Tuned!

trying to meet a deadline for a project for Min. Ross. Two weeks prior I made a muslin for the suit.Busily sewing for Min. Ross who has commissioned me to make two suits (black and white) from Butterick 5427. Before I cut into the fabric, I made a muslin as she plans to have several outfits of this style.

Last week was the first fitting

1 comment:

  1. Looking forware to the pics. I purchased the same pattern a few weeks ago.
