
Friday, June 25, 2010

Fall 2010! Trends - Will You follow Them?

Can you believe it? Magazines are already publishing fall trends. Summer has just began. I'm always behind the eight ball. Grrr!

Here's what Marie Claire published as "101 Ideas":

Riding Pants and Blouson Blouses -

Camel Coats and Leather Skirts -

Chiffon Dresses and Cable Knit Sweaters -

All photos from Marie Claire, July 2010 issue

Question to all the fashionistas..., Will you follow the trends or make your own?


  1. Hmmm. Some of these I like. Cable sweaters I *love*. I'm actually knitting one right now!

  2. This is the first that i have seen of the fall style! i would love a camel coat!

  3. Have you seen the July Vogue (with Marion Cotillard on the cover)? It's touting full skirts, ladylike dresses, and kitten heels - those are styles I'm definitely going to adopt this fall!

  4. Yes, I have it; and there some great styles in that issue as well.

  5. I like to pick a detail or two and incorporate that into my wardrobe. Like yes a leather skirt sounds nice, but I would use a TNT skirt pattern.

  6. Fall trends? give me a break..Grrr. I like the camel colors..hmmmmm

  7. See this is wrong...just wrong! It's finally starting to feel like summer here and they want to push me to think about cold weather? Ain't happening...I refuse to participate! September will be just fine to think about this so I will see you then! *smile*

  8. lol.. It's too hot to think about fall clothes right now. However I do like the camel coat and the leather skirt.

  9. Yes to:
    Cable Sweaters
    Camel Coats
    Leather skirts

    No way to:
    Chiffon dresses (Boston, you see)
    Blouson blouse (too back-to-the-80s)

    Maybe to Riding pants.

    I'll have to pick up this issue - thanks!

  10. I am just not ready to think about fall and winter!!! Though I have been peeking at some of the trends.

  11. It's hard for me to think about sewing for fall. I haven't put a bent in the list of things I want for spring and summer.

    Like Ann - I like to camel coat and leather skirt. And maybe the riding pants. Over the weekend I was looking through back issues of BWOF and noticed that they published a pattern for riding pants last year, I think.

    Anyway, it's early to plan a fall wardrobe.

    Happy Sewing Ladies,

  12. I have that same issue of Marie Claire and I wondered what happened to summer looks. I totally was expecting a July issue to be about hot weather wear, not fall clothing. But the mag did give me somethings to consider for fall like the blousen tie neck blouse. I am not going to be thinking about fall until late August.

  13. Just looking at the coats and sweaters make me hot! (As in, temperature-wise.) I am already liking blouson blouses, though, so I suppose I will stay on board with that trend.

  14. Well I got a camel coat!! I finished my coat early spring so I'll have it to wear this fall/winter. Of course this is complete coincidence...
