That's right...
What's cookin' is a lot of this and that. Every eye on the stove is covered. The oven is full. But soon, very soon many things will be done and ready to move to the table. When that happens, I will have plenty of room for other appetizing dishes.
What's ready or almost ready:
- Two more weeks of school. I decided not to take a summer course. I want my summer free to do whatever.
- The initial rating and evaluation of vendors is complete. We have a few weeks to chill before we start vendor presentations.
- Pastoral Anniversary week starts Tuesday and climaxing on Sunday. The media services group will work every night as always.
- Haute Couture Fashion Show is May 6th. I'm nearly finished with all my garments. Most reviewed here with the exception of the pieces I'm working on. Next year, I'm the Fashion Show Chair. This is a huge challenge for me. The new role will definitely change the way I spend my free time. I suspect there won't be as much sewing time. It will be interesting and fun though.
What's starting to simmer:
- Prom dresses. Two of them. One for my niece and the other my second cousin. Both ladies will look like princesses.
- Rethinking how I sew for other people. I'm leaning towards not. Because it's too stressful and not worth the time and effort. Personally, I like teaching sewing better. So I'm exploring that possibility.
On the Summer menu:
- Work, work, no school ..,
- Planning for next year's fashion show. The committee will meet sometime in June to start planning. I'm also looking for inspiration for my show garments.
- I will attend the Palmer/Pletsche workshop during the summer.
- Friday, I took a cursory look through Rhonda's posts for April/March and saw tutorials on interesting ways to create pleated and/or draped sleeves. I will at least try one of them.
- Get organized. I can't easily find things these days. Fabric everywhere, notions everywhere, projects unorganized. Everything must be put in it's proper place.
- House hunting. This is a biggie and will take some time to do. But I'm ready to get started.
Lately, I've been the poorest sewing blogger. I looked at my posting record for the first quarter; it's pitiful. And I think I'm averaging about two blog reads per day. And yes, I actually read them, not just looking at the great pictures.
Parting Shot:
Easter has come and gone. We had a great Easter meal on Easter eve: lamb chops, cous cous with carrots and peas, yellow and green squash, and asparagus (Martha Stewart style). So my parting shots is the delicious asparagus we feasted on. It's quick and easy.
Per heat oven 350 degrees.
Cut off the bottoms of the asparagus and wash.
Par boil asparagus until bright green and tender; not mushy.
Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.
Assemble asparagus onto sheet.
Drizzle with melted butter and sprinkle with coarse salt.
Sneeze a bit of fresh lemon juice to taste.
Bake for a few minutes (10mins.)
garnish with lemon slices.
It's done.
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