
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sandra Betzina's Power Sewing Retreat

I've only been home a few hours, but I wanted to share a brief summary about Sandra Betzina's Power Sewing Retreat.  

In one word; Excellent!

It was an outstanding learning experience!  One solid week of learning from one of the USA’s renowned sewing/designing experts.

The Retreat was held in San Francisco at the Marine’s Memorial Club.  Seventeen ladies were taught by some of the best in the business, Sandra Betzina and Ron Collins.

The days were filled with several lessons and tips to help us horn our skills.  In the evening we were able to continue sewing up to 10pm.  A positive “side effect”of this sewing marathon was the women attending the retreat became friends.  Some have attended several of Sandra’s Retreats over the years.  They return because no  retreat is exactly the same.  Sandra caters to the needs of the students.  Sure some basic information is the same, like fitting and seaming.  Additionally, there is a ton of things that are geared forward the needs of the student attending each particular retreat.  For instance, I brought my French jacket project to check the fit, cut and begin sewing.  Sandra and Ron, guided my through the initial stages of making the jacket.  I tissue fitted Vogue 8804 at the Palmer/Pletsch workshop, but needed to muslin fit it to make sure it was just right before cutting into my fabric.  After we made the needed adjustments, I cut and sewed it with Ron and Sandra's help.  Now, I at the point of sewing and setting the sleeves.  
Sandra’s unique approach to teaching and sewing inspired us to try new and creative sewing techniques. 

Sandra has developed a WebTV show, “Power Sewing”, that provides step by step sewing construction techniques on demand.  Right now she has a special on; the annual cost is $60.00 for a limited time.  This subscription gives you access to over 110 shows, current and archive.  This is a great offer.  Give them a call at 415-876-2434.
Over the next week or so, I will post some highlights from the Power Sewing Retreat.  But today I just wanted to give you an idea of what to expect when you go to a Sandra Betzina’s Power Sewing Retreat.  Secondly, you don’t want to miss this great opportunity to subscribe to Power Sewing for $60.00 for one year.  So if you watch one show per week, the average cost to you is less than $2.00.  This is an opportunity to improve your sewing skills for less than a Starbucks’s coffee.

Until next time, Happy Sewing!


  1. What an exceptional treat, my dear! Splendid!

  2. Okay I am soooooo jealous of your sewing retreats this year! First, Palmer & Plesch and now Sandra Betzina! You had some pretty awesome garments before...I can only imagine what you're going to make now!!!

  3. This looks and sounds so amazing, I can't wait to read more!

  4. The website says $75/year - any idea how to get the $60/year special?

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    Isidore - Please call them at 415-876-2434. This is a brand new offer. You can mention my name.


  6. How wonderful for you to have such an amazing opportunity!

  7. I'm enjoying stories of your fantastic learning experiences, too!

    I really need to study my calendar and my piggy bank and set something up, it is so nice to have a sewing retreat to look forward to, isn't it?

  8. Robin - The Power Sewing Retreat was amazing. It certainly will take your sewing to the next level. And if you have lost your passion for sewing and want to get it back, Sandra's retreat can do that too. Everyone should experience a sewing retreat at least once.

  9. Sounds like fun! I'll be attending a workshop of Sandra's at The Sassy Sewer sewing lounge in Parkville, Md, on Mon! After seeing your post, I'm even more anxious to go!

  10. What a awesome opportunity. Hope to take this retreat someday in my lifetime.

  11. Hi Cennetta. I understand your enthusiasm. I attended a Sandra week long Workshop in 2006 in Halifax,Nova Scotia and it was a highlite of my life. It was everything you said and more. I would love to do it again.

  12. This sounds fabulous! How motivating to be surrounded by great teachers and great sewists. I am sure your end results will be spectacular as always.

  13. Cenetta - sounds like you had a great time at Sandra's retreat. I see a picture of my dear friend Mary Lou.
