
Monday, December 10, 2012

Rhonda's Slippers - The Third Time is A Charm!

Happy Monday everyone!

The Christmas Holiday Season is in full gear.  I'm looking forward to festive gatherings with family and friends.  This is also the season when we exchange gifts with our love ones.  If you are crafty, some of the gifts will be handmade with loving thoughtfulness.

A few weeks ago, Rhonda Buss posted a picture of some slippers made by one of her faithful readers.  When I saw them I said to myself, "I can do that."  Well, it took three iterations before I came up with a pair that I could be pride of.

So here are all three pairs, left to right:  Chewbacca, Man Size, and Just Right for Women.

And here is how the table looked after all the cutting and trimming.

My problem was I didn't start with Rhonda's pattern, I thought I could replicate it without the exact measurements.  Below is what I finally came up with and I still had to trim and adjust as I sewed.  In the end, I came up with wearable, comfortable boot slippers.

Supplies needed:

Paper to draft pattern
Serger and thread
Grip Stop, I found it at JoAnn's in the utility clothe section.

You are ready to make your very own boot slippers?

Next time, I think I add a little more cushion to the sole of the slippers by doubling the fleece at the bottom.  We will see how that goes.

Happy Sewing!


  1. Cute and comfy is what they look like from here!

  2. My feet get so cold, and socks don't always do. These look perfect for winter nights!
