
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trying to Stay on the Wagon - More Inspiration

We are already two months into the new year and I still haven't blogged the last sewing projects of 2012 or my end of the year review.  At this point, I've decided not to worry about either.  When the time comes I will blog about them.  Right now, my goal is to finish my homework, work projects and find some time to sew and blog.

I must say there is one thing that I have been able to do: find inspiration for future projects.  Last year, I started searching for inspiration to encourage the HCC members for the upcoming fashion show.  Later, I searched for inspiration to sew classic garments with more sass.  The runway collections of fashion designers, pinterest, and the slew of magazines that arrive on my door step have me ooh-ing and aw-ing over hundreds of designs that would be welcome additions to my closet.  Most designs are quite simple, but they have that little oomph that I want to add to the clothes I make and wear.

So not to leave my blog idle, here are some designs I wish were in my closet.  BTW- You can see more in my "This Should Be In My Closet" on Pinterest.

Happy Sewing!


  1. Inspiring, indeed! I NEED that Chanel jacket :-)!

  2. These are beautiful... I love the Chanel jacket too

  3. You had some great picks for inspiration. I am going to copy a few for myself.

  4. I'm inspired! I can imagine your wonderful interpretations. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Oooh, your fantasy closet is wonderful! I love that pinstriped dress!

  6. Gorgeous inspiration. Cenetta, I just saw your beautiful jacket in the new Threads magazine. Just gorgeous!

  7. I am about 6 projects behind in blogging and never did my 2012 wrap-up, either. Glad I'm not the only one! Love all the eye candy.

  8. Awesome inspiration garments... love the asymmetrical black stripe dress.

  9. I had such a hard time getting back to blogging this year, but I am enjoying catching up now. You've made some great knit items this year! And I always love to see the posts you do for inspiration. Thanks for posting this one too!

  10. I like your taste in clothing!

  11. Those dresses are almost every woman's wish or dream off that should be in their closet.

  12. Whatever you sew will be beautiful as usual!
