
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Oh My Goodness, Fall Is Almost Here - Time To Jump Start Blogging Again!

It has been too long. I was started to feel like I'd never get back to blogging. At the beginning of summer I'd planned to talk about so many projects and sewing related topics. Almost all of those plans have fallen by the waist side.

July and August were are blurr. Using my phone to access Facebook and Instagram hasn't help the situation either. It's quick and easy. But I must admit, I have missed getting inspiration from reading and viewing blogs. Well fall is here and what better time to get back into the routine.

Soon to post:

  • Thoughts on Retirement
  • Wellness:  1 Year After Thyroidectomy
  • Haute Couture Club Summer Sewing Camp
  • Notes on a Few Patterns  

Okay, I feel a little better.  More coming soon!

Happy Sewing!


  1. Looking forward to seeing you more! You are always a great source for inspiration!

  2. Now didn't that feel good? Summer Sewing Camp,,,,just past, or next summer? Can't wait to hear more.

  3. You've been missed! So glad you're back & I hope to hear much more from you! Bonnie @

  4. Looking forward to reading more :-)

  5. Great to have you back. Looking forward to the new posts!
