
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

It's Been So Long Since...

My, my, my how time does fly. This is the longest span of non-blogging I've done since I started blogging back in 2007.  I can hear Maria Curciarello, "When are you going to update your blog?  I keep checking for new content." 

Well, it's been with good reason. A lot is happening in my small world these days.

  • I'm working part-time (they think I want to work full time)
  • Lack of routine
  • Family matters
  • Looking for a new place to live
  • Vacation
  •  Sometimes I'm just to tired to do anything
This is unusual for me.  Long ago, when I was working at the University of Illinois, driving up and down I-57 among other things, I was three times as busy, but I was still able to sew and blog quite a lot.  Strange...

Anyway, I'm trying to get back on track.  I miss sewing and blogging.  When things settle down, I hope to do more sewing as planned in the new phase of my life.

So that being said, I hope to post some inspiration and a few recent projects this week.

Happy Sewing!


  1. Life does get in the way sometimes. You have been missed!
    Bonnie @

  2. It is totally understood that life happens and will stay tuned for your creations.

  3. Love to hear from you, Cennetta!

    Noticed that it's definitely time to update your "About Me." ;-)

    Rest well, busy girl!

  4. Welcome back Cennetta and I know how it is! I was right there with you! We'll be here waiting when you get back on track, so don't fret! Good Luck with house hunting!

  5. Life is all about transitions and reprioritizing. It's great to have you back. You will get into the groove of your new life and it will be great.

  6. Transitions are always tiring - when things settle down again, you will have more energy again for sewing.

  7. It's always difficult to transition. You will get back to doing what you love.
