
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We are already eight days into the new year.  It is so amazing how fast time is passing.  I'm still wondering what happened to the summer.  It came and went so quickly.

At Christmas, I thought about what I might say on my blog to close out the year 2016.  What could I say about my sewing year and what could I say/share that would start a new year of sewing experiences?  Then my thoughts turned to me preparing to move, moving, shopping, more shopping, working, and other life events.  I concluded; it's been a full and very productive year.  And the low garment production is okay.  I'm happy to be still here, healthy and able to do.

So, I decided not to do a review of last year; nor will I make a "sewing" resolution to sew more or to blog more.  I will take it one day at a time, making the best of it.

I wanted to also say to my followers thank you for continuing to follow and comment on my blog.  It is much appreciated.  I'm always happy when someone comments on my posts.  Also, I hope your year is off to a great start.  God bless and keep on creating beautiful things.  You are an inspiration to me.

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year to you too Cennetta! The year has gone by extremely fast! I am praying for a blessed, productive and successful year for us all!

  2. Happy New Year to you! Peace and blessings!
