
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Oops, I've Been Too Quiet Again!

Sorry, I know it seems like I've taken a hiatus from sewing. Really, I haven't. Actually, I've sewn several garments over the past two months; but it's been difficult finding the time to take pictures or the photos shoot ends up not so good. What is becoming more and more difficult to do is to blog on a regular basis. I took a part-time job in a dental office. It's nothing like my former career in IT at the University, where I could key out a post with no problems. There is almost zero time during my off days to actually sit down at my laptop or desktop to type out a blog.

More and more I'm viewing Instagram and Facebook instead. Both are quick ways to stay connected. I still feel, though, that blogging is a better way to journal my sewing journal, share my experiences, and learn from others. So, it's an effort that I hope to continue.

Currently, I have multiple projects going at the same time. One is the "Shirt Project". Early this summer, I decided to practice making button-down or button-up shirts. My goal is to learn to fit and sew them well. Currently, I've made five shirts. My quest got the attention of the HCC President and the Program Director; they asked if I would do a presentation on my shirts. Of course, I said yes. But it meant that I would need to make more shirts to show different design and style elements. The process also gives me a chance to identify some tips and techniques that may be helpful to others. In the coming weeks, I hope to post a few more shirts.

Secondly, I'm working with one client, Pastor Jenetta Ross, who I've made several clergy robes for. This time the commission is for two robes: white and gold (already finished and delivered) and a red and black robe. Both made using Simplicity 5386. The white and gold was basically made the same as the blue one pictured here

Thirdly, there are several things on the sewing table for my DD. Starting with a few dresses, a swimsuit (I know summer is almost over, but there is always vacation.), a coat and a few shirts. 

Finally, other things for myself I will make several knit tops that include sleeve designs created by Rhonda Buss. Sleeves are so very big these days. I've selected a few designs that are trendy as well as classic, if that makes sense. Part of my goal is to continue to try different things to enhance my sewing skills and to jazz up my classic style. Also, I hope to share my thoughts on some fall/winter mini wardrobes. In all of this will emerge my entries for the HCC Fashion Show 2018. That's may sewing "catch up" post. Next up I'll share some "Notes on a Pattern".

Thanks and Happy Sewing!



  1. I really want to up my shirt game too, so yes please do post about those! Great selection of knit tops too.

    1. Thanks, Allison. I posted reviews on McCall 7575 and Vogue 8747. Check post for June and July. Thanks again.
