
Monday, February 5, 2018

Nappa Cabbage Ox Tail Stew

There is nothing like comfort food in the winter time.  This morning when I woke up it was -4 degrees.  This has truly been one of the coolest winters in a great while.  We are known for heavy snow falls.  But this year we have gotten a heavy dose of bone chilling temperatures for the month of January.  Today, February 5th, it was 14 degrees at high noon.  

Back in the day, my mom made the best soups and stews (She still does. ;-)) One of her famous stews is Ox Tail Strew.  It loaded with root vegetables, oxtails, and a hearty tomatoes broth.  I love it.  This is one of the easiest stews to make.  This time I added nappa cabbage just to change it up a bit.


Approximately a 2lb Package of Oxtails (make sure there is some marbling)
One Small Nappa Cabbage 
Carrots (baby carrots or diced large ones)
Potatoes (diced)
Medium Onion (diced) 
Tomatoes (baby tomatoes or sliced large ones)
Lawry Seasoning Salt to your taste
Salt and Pepper to your taste
Bay Leaves (3 or 4)
Parsley to your taste
Small Can of Tomatoes Paste
Small Can of Tomatoes Sauce

Start by washing oxtails thoroughly and place in a large pot.  Season with salt, pepper, and Lawry's.  Add diced onion to the pot.  Fill pot with water, a few inches above meat.  Cover and place on stove, bring to boil medium high heat.  Cook until meat is tender.  Remove pot from flame to cool.

Now, prepare the other vegetables.  Wash and cut nappa cabbage into pieces, about 2" long.  Put it to the side.  Next, clean and/or peel the other vegetables as needed.


Optional: Next, I remove meat from bones, returning the meat to the pot.

Add potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots. Then add the parsley and bay leaves. 

Bring mixture to a boil.  Add tomato paste and sauce stir until completely mixed into the other liquid. Cover and let cook until potatoes are almost done. 


Add nappa cabbage last.  Cover and cook until tender.


Ready to eat.  We usually serve stew with cornbread or some type of garlic bread. 

Stay warm and eat good! C


  1. I've cooked Oxtails before but never like this. I will be adding this to my recipe collection compliments of you! A real cold weather comfort meal.

  2. I am going to have to try this! My grandma talked about Ox tail soup that her mom made, but my grandma never made any. Thank you for sharing this recipe and reminding me of her. :)
