
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

It's Almost Summer - Still Making Masks, Bonnets and Non-Surgical Caps

Thirteen weeks into the Covid-19 lock down and I'm still making masks.  Last month I added on bonnets and non-surgical caps.  I'm not complaining.  There is a need, and this is my way of helping.  I'm finding out that there are so many more family members, near and far, that are essential and front line workers than I knew of.  Again I'm happy to help. but I must strike a balance between helping and satisfying my personal sewing dreams.

What's interesting is that the production sewing of these protective goods has me thinking of all types of gift ideas and small sewing projects for my sewing students.  So, this experience has been beneficial in more than one way.

Today, I would like to share a few pictures and comments on the bonnets and caps that I made recently.  Folks want to be stylist in this pandemic.  So, many want matching head and face gear.

For the bonnets I used  Simplicity S1020.  Super easy pattern.  Three pieces, one size fits all.  You can easily adjust the elastic for a tighter fit.  This bonnet (made only four so far) sews up quickly.  Other uses:  Chef hat or sleeping bonnet.  These can be worn in general to protect/cover your hair.

Pictured above is Erica, dental assistant for Dr. Irvin B. Watkins.  Her dread locks are very long and this style of cap is perfect for her.  She also has a matching masks.

For the non-surgical caps I used Butterick B4946.  Again, a super easy pattern that sews up quickly, Great for beginners.  Three pieces, one size fits all.  You can use bias hem tape to finish the lower back edge of the cap.  Or you may create your own bias tape to finish it.  I did both.  But I prefer creating my own bias tape in the same fabric.  Also, at the crown I used to different methods to finish them.  For the first set (eight caps), I did something like  a French seam.  For the second set (13 caps) I pressed the seam allowance towards the hat section then I top-stitched it down.  The second method I like better.

Pictured below is Venus, CNA, at Oak Trace. She works at the same facility as my baby sister.  Venus loves the matching cap and mask set.

This month, I'm hoping to finish reviewing other projects that I finished in April and May.  Also, on my cutting table are a few jackets, dresses, and pants.  So as we get to our "new normal" I'll work more on my wardrobe additions and less on protective gear.

Stay safe.

Happy Sewing!


  1. Great work here! Isn't it just the best reward when your makes are appreciated by the recipients? Side note - I have that same fabulous blue quilting cotton and almost used it for masks as well. But I just couldn't part with it yet.

  2. Love the masks and bonnets, Cenneta. Thanks for listing the pattern number. I'm on a pattern fast but will break it for this one as the "imaginary wardrobe" has nothing like it. Looking at the scrub top got me thinking it would be perfect for a bicycling jersey if I extend the tail and put the pockets in back. Your models are very stylish.
    Theresa in Tucson

  3. These are awesome, Cenetta. I make the origami type mask you made Venus. I really like those. These are all so stylish. Did you attach the see through part to the mask? That is so interesting.

    1. Thanks, Bunny. Erica is not wearing the matching mask. This is the standard clinical protective mask.

  4. Those are as beautiful as the people wearing them. I'm sure the patients are cheered by seeing those cheery fabrics as well.

  5. they look fantastic. I must admit it's a bit disheartening that we as home sewers even need to make these items for essential workers but yours add a bit of style to the situation. That last photo with the flower really highlights her beautiful eyes!

    1. Thank you, Beth. It is disheartening. Venus remains positive and stylish during these hard times.

  6. I really like the look of matching hat and mask. That will no doubt become a "thing." Beautiful work you are doing.
