
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Catching Up

My goodness!  It's been awhile since I did a blog post.  My intentions were to post a detailed post to support each sewing project Instagram post.  Didn't happen.., So now I'm playing catch up.

So sorry.  November has been really busy for me.  I wanted so much to have our traditional family gathering for Thanksgiving.  But weeks before we decide to follow the guidelines set by the CDC and other governmental officials.  I still cooked the major part of the meal.  We shared dishes and eat at our respective homes. Boring..,  My hope is that we have a better Christmas dinner.  But, right now it looks like we will celebrate with only the members of our household.

Anyway, I've completed several projects since my last post, and I wanted to share the details of those projects.  I would be remised if I didn't mention the Vogue jacket V8627 of my previous post.  I actually finished it; well almost finished it.  The hem is wonky.  I remade the lining and installed it a second time.  It still wasn't right.  So I put it aside to work on something else.  Now it is Christmas month and I have a few gifts to make.  So maybe after Christmas I'll pick it up again.  

Meanwhile, I want to blog about some successes.  They are: Simplicity S8750; McCall M7836-B; and Simplicity S8844-A.  I'll start with another jacket project.  There will be a few post about it starting with a mini tutorial about making the patch pocket for the jacket.

Happy Sewing!


1 comment:

  1. That was a great idea to share the food even when you couldn’t be together! 💖
