
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Kitchen -Refresh For The Holiday

It's been awhile since my last post. These days I'm really struggling to find time to blog.    I want to get back to blogging on a regular basis.  Hopefully, I'll get a handled on it soon.

Today's post is on the kitchen curtains and chair covers I made to refresh my kitchen for the holidays.  It was easy and quick, taking only a few hours to complete. 

Like before, I didn't use a pattern. I literally measured and cut, pressed, stitched and pressed again.

 The chair covers are two cotton fabrics with fusible batting between them.  The covers provide a little cushioning and protect the wall from marring when the chair is pushed against it. 

The coordinating curtains are three pieces: two tiers and one valance in the middle. All cut free handed. Sorry no dimensions to note. Just me guestimating. It worked out fine. 

The fabric is from JoAnn's, Christmas cotton.  Natural fibers are so easy to press and work with. I pre-washed and pressed it before starting my project.

I really like how everything turnout. And the kitchen looks warm and inviting.  These will be up for awhile. 



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