
Monday, November 19, 2007

Pandora's Radio

Check out Pandora Radio. First, test drive it.
You can do so by opening the website and typing in the name of a song or artist.
The test drive plays four or five songs; then you can decide to subscribe.

To subscribe:
Click Continue Listening button
Type in login information
Click Continue
Click Listen for Free
Click Continue
Click Create a New Station
Type Name of song or artist. It creates a radio station of similar songs and/or artists. eg., Ms. Jill Scott.
The station gives you the option to rate the songs. It's free. Free forever.



1 comment:

  1. Hey Cuz! I happen upon Pandora's Radio because I had to funeralize my radio at work. After 23 years of wonderful service it became comatose and eventually we had to pull the plug. It was in intensive care for some years but through prayer and laying on of hands it survived. Than the Lord of the Radios called the ole servant home, sliently of course. If I had to imagine the words they would go something like this, "Well done good and faithful music provider, news provider, noise maker, come on home. You've finished your course and ran this race with loud sounds sometimes sweet and sometimes obnoxious. Ha ha ha ! Girl I crack myself up sometimes.
