
Monday, November 19, 2007

Thank you!

Thank you for your prayers. Your support is greatly appreciated. I believe God tests us everyday. Some tests are huge, while some we don't recognize. One good thing about tests is that what doesn't kill us has the potential to make us strong. Some might say that these kinds of matters are too personal to discuss. That may be the right approach for some, but I think differently. We all at one time or another will go through a stressful or life threatening situation that causes us to buckle at the knees. This morning as I drove to work I thought about the Take Your Love One to the Doctor campaign sponsored by the Tom Joyner Morning Show. The whole idea behind this is to encourage people to be more conciousious about health care by routinely going to the doctor and to increase awareness about preventive measures that improve the quality of life. My brother in law came home very ill on Thursday evening, but would not agree to go to the doctor until Saturday. Since then, we have learned that he had suffered a stroke resulting in some brain damage. Good news: he did not suffer any known physical paraylses. Bad news: he has high blood pressure, some memory loss, and a blocked vessel/artery in the brain. There are more tests to come.

I would like to encourage you, men in particular, to take time out to see the doctor. It could make a BIG difference in the quality of your life. It could increase your options on how to treat or cure the problem.

Now on a lighter note: while house and baby sitting I got to know my sister's latest family addition a little better.

This is Hudson. He loves everyone!


  1. Girl that puppy is ADROABLE!!!!!!

  2. I hadn't had a chance to read your earlier post yet... Hoping that your BIL recovers in the best possible way.
    That dog is adorable.

  3. I will second your point on taking care of your health and Talking about the issues. Especially men. I lost an uncle last year 6 months after we found out he had prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is extremely manageable if you catch it and treat it EARLY!!!! He and later his family kept it a secret. Hindsight is 20-20 but my Dad had treatment 6 years ago and I still here. I wish he had shared earlier... prehaps he would still be here with us.

    Sorry to blog in your comments, but you are so right.

  4. OMG, what a little character that puppy is! I hope your BIL is okay. Keeping prayers going and fingers crossed.
