This is my muslin |
It has been a while since I did a Notes on a Pattern.
This top is all over social media. I hesitated to make it for fear of the front placket not being perfect. To help myself, I researched for some tutorials to get a flawless placket. I did find a few on Instagram that were helpful. An easy fit. My other concern was with the FBA adjustment. Could I get away without adjusting? So for my wearable muslin, I decided to use the molly t-shirt front pattern as a sloper for the FBA.
Well, it didn't exactly work to my liking. The center front hem is slightly higher than the rest of the hem. So, I did the next best thing: I made a traditional FBA for the best fit. Today, I am posting a FBA tutorial for this McCall's pullover.
Below is my tutorial:
Step 1 - Draw the lines to prepare for the slash and spread of the pattern sections.
Step 2 - Cut along the line 1 and spread the desired amount of the adjustment. In this instance, the amount is 1".
Step 3 - Cut and spread line 2 at the bust area to bring balance back to the side.
Step 4 - fill in with tissue paper along line 1 and 2. Tape in place except for the lower right portion severl inches above the hem.
Step 5 - Cut and spread line 3 to true up the hemline. Then fill in with tissue paper.
Step 6 - trim tissue paper all except for the bust area.
Step 7 - Fold the dart in half to trim tissue paper. True up the bust dart along the side seam.
That's it for the basic traditional full bust adjustment. I hope this information/tutorial is helpful.
Happy Sewing!