The fabulous Victoria have me a Beautiful Blogger Award. Thanks much!
Man, oh man! I've had hardly any time for sewing or blogging. Argh! Argh! I should have posted this entry two weeks ago. I'll be glad when things settle down so I can enjoy my crafts again. Work is busy, busy. We are in the process of "proving the worth" of the application (yet again). I'm demo'ing and demo'ing then compiling stats and other information. Jesus! I guess it's necessary in this current economy.
I'm supposed to tell ten things about myself. It's going to be brief. Then give ten other fabulous sewing sistas a Beautiful Blogger Award.
Ten things:
1. I work in IT for a major research university.
2. I've worked for the university for 27 years. Academia is a good place to work if you want a free education. And your children get discounts too. wink, wink.
3. I'm the eldest of four daughters; I only have one DD.
4. I'm a proud member of the Haute Couture Club of Chicago. I've missed the first two meetings of this season due to church activities.
5. Vacation is near, I can't wait; I'll be cruising to Mexico.
6. I'm very fortunate to have a close knit family. Me and my sisters enjoy each others company. We are the best of friends. Joy.
7. Can you say, Daddy's girl? That's me. I lost my dad in 2006. Everyday I think of him.
8. Divorced almost seven years. If you can live with the "imperfections", don't do it. Everyone loses. Remember 90 percent of "stuff" is little. Only 10 percent is serious business.
9. I'm a little bit on the nerdy side. Love science.
10. Turner Classic Movie is my number one cable station. I have almost zero tolerance for reality TV.
Now the best part, Here are eleven, not ten fabulous sewing bloggers who I would like to present with the Beautiful Blogger Award.
Tany's Blog
Sigrid's Sewing Projects
Pamela's Off the Cuff Style
Kim's Kouture
Narcissaqtipie's Sewl Sista #1
A Sewn Wardrobe
Sewn by Alviana
Amber's Obsessed with Pink
Audrey's Sewtawdry
Sew Passionista by Diana
Summerset's Pins and Needles
Happy Sewing,