Death is so mysterious and final. At the time of Kim's death, everyone begin to think and act on the fact that life is short. And that we should approach it realizing that it is the most precious gift from God. Because no one really knows when it's their last day or hour. Over the years, we've learned to share and care for one another on a much deeper level. We spend a lot more time together and our bond has grown stronger. We do have our disagreements, but we always come back to the middle embracing the fact that we love each other and that nothing can separate the ties that bind.
High Blood Pressure is noted as the silent killer. Kim complained of headaches all the time. Often she appeared to have little to no energy. I wondered why she was always so moping and concluded that she was a little on the lazy side. Now that I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, I understand the affects of the medication used to treat it. I've been prescribed every family of HBP medications from beta blockers to calcium blockers. The doctors had a difficult time finding one that would regulate my BP. The beta blockers are the worst. What I've learned is these medication can greatly impact your bodily functions. It can take a while before the doctors can find the right med for you. Finally, exercise and ample rest can reduce stress and provide some relief of HBP.
It is extremely important to take your medications as this is what my sister failed to do. The day she was hospitalized her BP was 260 over 149; she had not taken her meds for a few days. Kim worked for Rush Presbyterian Hospital and was there when she collapsed. She lived a week after that. Each of us can remember it like it was yesterday. The morning of December 12th I had taken my final exam in calculus; went to the hairdresser; picked up my DD; then went home. For the next six days we spent most of the time at the hospital hoping and praying. Later, the doctor told us their was no brain activity and that we needed to disconnect the respirator or breathing device. Unbelievable ..., Everyone was in a fog.

My nephew is now 17 and lives with his father, step-mother, and sisters. He looks like his dad, mostly. But some of his mannerisms are like my sister. When he sees us, he gives the longest, deepest hugs. I often wondered what he was thinking but dare not ask to minimize emotions. He will soon be off to college embarking on a whole other life. ..,
I'm just rambling and missing my sister, Kim...,