Aunt Essie (82) escorted by Paris as we entered Fire Mountain Restaurant in Michigan (July 11, 2009).
It's been two solid weeks since I last blogged. It has not been due to lack of content or inspiration. I've been a little distracted with "Facebook" and other activities.
A few months ago, Katrina (cousin) and I talked about a road trip to see our Aunt Doris. Our mothers are up in age. We thought it would be good for them/us to get together. So Trina organized a road trip to visit Aunt Doris in Michigan.
We embarked on our journey July 10th, 4:30am, headed towards Michigan. It reminded me of how much I enjoy my extended family and the importance of fellowshiping with them.
There are four sisters living; all of my mom's brothers have past. Only Aunt Essie travelled with us. My mom (Chicago) and Aunt Clara (Alabama) had other obligations and couldn't make the trip (next time).
Day One July 10th - We arrived.

We arrived about 9:15 am July 10, 2009. Pictured Shirley, Aunt Doris and Essie, and Bnai.
Aunt Essie, Trina, and Aunt Doris
This last time Aunt Doris saw Lauren was sixteen years ago at a family reunion in Tennessee. Trina is re-introducing Lauren to Aunt Doris. July 10, 2009.
Destiny (Paris)
Brianna, Quinten, and Lauren
Trina and Destiny
Cousin Shirley always pulled together and ready. This woman is the epitome of hospitality. Before we could all get into Aunt Doris's house, she was getting to work on putting dinner together. BTW- She's Paris's mom.
After initial visit, we headed to the hotel, leaving Aunt Essie to spend time with Aunt Doris.
Day Two - July 11, 2009. Aunt Doris took us to her favorite all you can eat restaurant (Fire Mountain). It reminded me of the buffet restaurant in the Stratosphere (Las Vegas). Hmmm..., Hmmm.., Good eatin'.
Aunt Doris, Trina, and Aunt Essie
The Young People
Partial group shot
Later that day, we went back to the hotel: swimming, joking, laughing, and playing spades until 2:30 in the morning.
Day Three - July 12, 2009, 11:00am
We left the hotel headed back to Aunt Doris's home. We talked, laughed and then prayed for a safe return to Chicago.
On the ride back, Destiny danced to Michael Jackson's "Beat It".
As I mature, I become more appreciative of the time that God has given me. Just back from a visit with my Aunt Doris (Michigan), who is well into her 70's. Also visiting my Aunt Essie (82) and several of my cousins. It was wonderful and I'm looking forward to the next gathering. Both of my aunts are well and able to take care of themselves (and others). It's a blessing and I pray it's in "my" future.
Good road trip. Summertime and the living is easy, fun with family is always a plus.